
31 Mayıs 2020 Pazar

~ Thinglink Review and My Example ~

Hey everyone, today I want to talk about a website/application called as: Thinglink. 

I will talk about my example later but I want to give the link 2 times. You can also see in here and in ther part that I will talk about my example.

Here's the link:

Thinglink is a website/ application that can be used to create interactive images, videos, tours. There are different types of membership that can be selected. I chose the ''Classroom Learning'' one. 

 There are different and various projects and examples that you can you in your classes. 

Let's see how it works and then I will show my example;

Firstly, you add tags on your picture, video..etc. Then you can write things on them. Also you can add videos or create tour on your picture. And at the end, you can share it with various ways.

Now let's see what I've done. I created a interactive picture that shows continents and added a video in which a song about continents is presented.

Here's the link:

30 Mayıs 2020 Cumartesi

~ Augmented Reality (AR) ~

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all doing well. Today, I want to talk about Augmented Realiy (AR).
‘’Augmented Reality’’ is like combination of real-world and technology. It is interaction, seeing the real-world on your technological devices. It is trendy nowadays and used in different fields such as archaeology, city planning, military and of course education and language learning. And we are actually familiar with AR. It can be seen in applications such as Pokemon Go, IKEA, Snapchat...etc.  
There are different types of AR;
  1. Image-Based AR.  It is an image’s being integrated into real world.
  2. Markerless AR: In this version, you do not need any picture or anything to experience AR.
  3. Location- Based AR: This version is used outside. Give information about environment.
This picture was taken from:,_March_2013.png

AR can be used in education and language learning. We can make classes more enjoyable or vivid. Also AR applications may also increase language learning because it visualizes things and bring virtual into real life. There are different AR applications but I used the one called as UniteAr. And I created just a small example;

Today I’ve talked about AR.  I hope you like it and you with your students too. See you 

29 Mayıs 2020 Cuma

~ Virtual Reality (VR) ~

Hey everyone, today I want to talk about Virtual Reality (VR). Let’s start.

Shortly ‘’ Virtual Reality’’ is creating simulated real-life. It means, it tries to create the virtual version of the real life.  There are different companies who is interested in VR: HTC, Google, Oculus, Playstation...etc . VR technology is not something new. It has been existed since the first half of the 20th century.

This picture was taken from:

It can be used in entertainment, medicine, arts and of course  our field: education.  I want to talk about effects of VR in education and language learning.

VR can create an environment for students to learn with experience. VR may bring many real situations to the classroom.  It can also make classes more enjoyable as is it something different for students. Students also can visit different places thanks to VR.  Also VR helps students to improve their 4 skills too.

This picture was taken from:

Today I’ve talked about VR technology. It is super popular and can be used in many fields including education and language learning too. I hope you like it. See you J

28 Mayıs 2020 Perşembe

~ Second Life Review ~

Hey everyone, today I will talk about Second Life.. Second life is a 3D virtual world application. It is so simple, you download it ( it is not so big, it can be downloaded easily , then sign up and that's all. You create you avatar and then visit different places and socialize with other people.

Second life should not be just seen as a game. You can turn it into something educational. You can create school campuses, activites, online classes too... 

I visited both a university campus and a language learning area. Let me share my pictures with you. 
I visited NC state university 

There were maps, information boards that you can both just view or click on them.

I also visited a language learning area. There were poster, interactive boards, videos...etc. It can be really benefical especially for children. Here's the picture;

Today, I've talked about second life. I hope you like and try too. See you :) 

26 Mayıs 2020 Salı


Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well. Today I will talk about TPACK and SAMR. Let's start with TPACK.

It is basically a framework about technology and education. And presented by Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler. There are three circles in the diagram. Technological Knowledge (TK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) and Content Knowledge (CK) and middle of these is called as TPACK.

Here's the diagram;

Reproduced by permission of the publisher, © 2012 by

TK: It is about teacher's knowledge of technology, how to use it or existence of different technological devices, applications.. etc.
CK: It is about teacher's knowledge of subject's itself.
PK: It is about teacher's knowledge about learning and teaching.

Let's talk about intersections;

Technological Content Knowledge (TCK): It's about technology's and content's influencing each other. What kind of technological tools a content can be taught.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): It's about learning and teaching; curriculum, assignments, evaluation...etc.
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge ( TPK ): It's about technology's effect on learning and teaching.

Let's talk about SAMR now;

SAMR is also a frame that was created Ruben Puentedura. SAMR consists of Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition.

Subtitution: It's substitution of traditional tools with technological ones. For instance, powerpoint presentation rather than coursebook.
Augmentation: Substitution of technology is still important in here.
Modification: It's about both teachnology's effect of learning and changing it.
Redefinition: It's about using new technological tools that were not used before. 

This picture was taken from:

Today I've talked about two frames. I hope you like them. See you :)

25 Mayıs 2020 Pazartesi

~ Langauge Learning Apps Review ~ ( Mondly, Busuu, Memrise, Duolingo )

Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well. Today I want to talk about language learning applications such as Mondly, Busuu , Memrise, Duolingo... etc.

  Logos of those applications.

Those language applications' are ,as it can be understood, trying to teach languages just with using your pc or mobile. They are vivid, useful and advantageous in terms of time. As they claim, you can learn a language in a short time with using those application. In those applications, pictures,sounds or videos are so good and you can meet new friends.

Those language apps are so popular. All of them is trying to express themselves as they'are the best. That's what they try to be ahead of each other.

For instance, Mondly has VR and kids version. I think it is a thing that can make it more important and more used.

 Similarly, Doulingo has school version.

It was all for today, I think it worth checking them. I hope you like them. Thanks for reading. See you :)

23 Mayıs 2020 Cumartesi

~ Mindmeister Review ~

Hey everyone, today I want to talk about a website/ application that  is called: Mindmeister.

It's a website/ application that helps you to create mind maps. You can create different maps in various topics. Language teaching/ learning is one of the fields that can be used. You can create different maps that teach spesific vocabularies. For instance, seasons, animals...etc.

The main logo of Mindmeister

And you can download them in various ways.

Today, I've talked about a mind map website/ application called Mindmeister. I hope you like it and use it too. See you next time :)

~ Nearpod Review ~

Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well. Today I want to talk about a website/ application called: Nearpod.

In Nearpod, you have a classrom and in that classroom you can create and share presentations. You can share resources, give assignments or homeworks.
Symbol of Nearpod

There are lots of presentations even for VR technology

You can also see your student's reports

Today I've talked about Nearpod. It is something that brings you and your students together. And it can be used in language classes too. I also believe that it is also special because it is a tool that helps us in this quarantine days. Thanks for reading. See you next time :)

20 Mayıs 2020 Çarşamba

~ Kahoot Review ~

Hey everyone, I hope you're all fine. Today, I want to talk about an amazing website/ application for education and language teaching/ learning. It is called as Kahoot.

It is a website/ application that allows you to create an online game/quiz. It has really amazing musics and vivid colours.

The main menu of Kahoot

You can both create your own kahoot or use other people's materials. And there are lots of kahoots in different topics.

After the quiz, you can also see your students' repots.

An example from creation of a Kahoot.
An example question.
Today I've talked about Kahoot that you can create amazing quizzes and make your classs enjoyable. Thanks for reading. See you :)

~ Pixton Review and My Example ~

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. Today I want to talk about a website called : Pixton and show my example. It is a website that allows you to create comics for educational purposes. You can do many things by using it: creating short stories, mini-lessons...etc. And I think it can attracts student's attention thank to its features. 

I will talk about my example later but I want to give the link 2 times. You can also see in here and in ther part that I will talk about my example.

Here's the link:

Let's look at how it works.

The main menu of Pixton

 To create a comic, firstly you need to select your background. There a lot of options. Also you need to select you characters. Again, there are a lot characters that you can choose.

 The focus of the characters, face expressions and actions are the other things that you can select.

 You can also add texts or speech to your characters.

 And that's all... It it so easy to create a comic. Then you can share it the class you created in Pixton's itself or download it.

 Here's my example. You can see both the link and comic's itself.

Today, I've talked about a comic website that can be used educational purposes especially, language teaching/learning. It can increase language learning thanks to its nature. Thanks for reading. See you next time.

19 Mayıs 2020 Salı

~ Quizlet Review and My Example ~

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. Today it is my second post after Canva review. Now I want to talk about again a website/ application called: Quizlet.

I will talk about my example later but I want to give the link 2 times. You can also see in here and in ther part that I will talk about my example.

Here's the link;

Quizlet is a website/ application that you can create flashcards in different topics. Mostly it is used for educational purposes. I also believe that it can be used in language learning/ teaching too. Different cards can be prepared about language. I think it is super beneficial because we used to create flashcards by handwriting but now thanks to Quizlet, we can create them easily. Now let me talk about how it works and show my example.

The main menu of Quizlet
You can also see the other people's materials.
Firstly you create the front and back pages.. According to what you wrote, it recommends you certain sentences or you can write your own. Pictures can be added too.

Also different types of activites can be done with those cards..

Here's my example. You can see both the link and my material's itself.

Today, I've talked about quizlet. It is a really good example for creating language materials. I hope you liked it too and use it with your students. Thanks for reading. See you :)