
25 Mayıs 2020 Pazartesi

~ Langauge Learning Apps Review ~ ( Mondly, Busuu, Memrise, Duolingo )

Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well. Today I want to talk about language learning applications such as Mondly, Busuu , Memrise, Duolingo... etc.

  Logos of those applications.

Those language applications' are ,as it can be understood, trying to teach languages just with using your pc or mobile. They are vivid, useful and advantageous in terms of time. As they claim, you can learn a language in a short time with using those application. In those applications, pictures,sounds or videos are so good and you can meet new friends.

Those language apps are so popular. All of them is trying to express themselves as they'are the best. That's what they try to be ahead of each other.

For instance, Mondly has VR and kids version. I think it is a thing that can make it more important and more used.

 Similarly, Doulingo has school version.

It was all for today, I think it worth checking them. I hope you like them. Thanks for reading. See you :)

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